Independent. Professional. Innovative.
By utilising the latest cutting edge technology and modern agronomic practices, Brad delivers world class results and a professional service with friendly, affordable advice.
Reduce Expenses.
Increase Revenue.
Improve Turf Health.
Covering the Asia Pacific region, including Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan, Brad and his team work with a diverse range of clients to ensure sports facilities are constructed and maintained to meet international standards and the clients expectations with financially sustainable solutions.
Achieve your goals. Let us help you define your maintenance strategies and develop a set of Course Quality Objectives.
Independent 3rd party reviews and advice on site specific challenges.
On-site and virtual consultation options.
Financially sustainable solutions.
Contact us for a free consultation to find out how we can help your facility excel, sustainably.
Existing Facilities
Turf performance benchmarking
Assistance with site specific challenges
Turf management advice and planning
Agronomy program creation and review
Tournament preparation advice and agronomic consulting
Soil and water analytical services
Maintenance team development
Operational and capital expenditure budget creation and review
Creation of site specific Course Quality Objectives
New Projects
Site evaluation
Quality control
Soil and water analytical services
Sand/soil selection advice
Turfgrass selection advice
Irrigation planning and design
Turf grow-in programs
Maintenance team training
Maintenance facility planning
Budget review
Development of standard operating procedures
Creation of job descriptions
Maintenance team training
Operational and capital expenditure budget formulation
Manning budget recommendations
Creation of Course Quality Objectives
Maintenance facility planning
Turf Management Programs
Looking for Soil Tests?
Take a look through our comprehensive list of soil and water testing services through our affiliation with an industry leading laboratory, Brookside Labs.