Invest in Your Greatest Asset; Your Team.


Are you or your team looking to improve your skillset and reach your full potential?

Are you a superintendent looking for a third opinion, new perspective or assistance gaining the administrative skills currently required?

We can assist you reach your full potential with, 1 on 1 coaching, Practical training and Educational presentations.

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Coaching and mentoring services are available to the turf management professional looking to reach their full potential and increase their knowledge and skills in:

  • Agronomy

  • Human resources

  • Financial management

  • Leadership and management

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Practical Training

Are you looking to boost productivity at your facility?

A comprehensive training program tailored for your team will help you improve the efficiency of your operation.  Each team member will learn all the fundamental skills involved in maintaining a golf course or sports field, including:

  • Machinery operation

  • Turf management

  • Irrigation maintenance and system operation

  • Chemical and fertiliser application

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Presentations and Seminars

Hourly, half or full day packages are available. Popular presentations include:

  • Implementing the MLSN Guidelines

  • Interpreting soil test reports and formulating a fertility plan

  • Back to basics fertilising

  • Managing organic matter

  • Irrigating effectively through the use of technology

  • Firmer, faster greens

  • Creating long term plans

  • Analysing turf performance data to create course quality objectives


Environmental Services